Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Yuck

It is that time of year, and the yuck has started at our house. I am sure it will make it's round, at least once. The Princess has it right now, and hopefully she will be over it soon. Her attitude gets really bad when she isn't feeling well. It is something that we have been working on even when she is feeling well, but the battle is worse when she is sick. The Prince has lost a tooth. It is the fifth tooth that he has lost. The first two (bottom) had to be pulled because the adult teeth were growing behind and didn't push the little ones out. The next two(top) came out earlier this year. One came out in an apple and the other came out by the door. Hubby talked him into putting fishing line around it and a door. After some convincing Prince let Daddy tie the fishing line. That tooth is just now starting to come in. I was a little worried. This last one was beginning to get really sore. He wanted it out but was not going to do the door thing again. He even asked for an apple, but couldn't bite it. My youngest brother came over with his girlfriend and she is a self proclaimed expert tooth puller. She pulled it right out. It didn't even hurt. Now he is back to himself. I have been fighting off a horrible headache that comes and goes (mostly comes) for no apparent reason. So this evening the Prince will be getting a ride to AWANA with his leader so that Princess can get to bed. She was worried about getting everyone sick. I have been working on Christmas presents. I have two scarfs done and am working on a blanket right now. It is taking a while but if I keep on it, I will have it done by the end of next week. It looks like it will fit a queen sized bed when I am done. I am crocheting the blanket and I crochet fairly loose. I knitted the two scarfs and they only took about a week each. I hope to learn how to do mittens and hats by next year. We will be spending Thanksgiving with my father-in-law. We will be leaving next week Thursday. We will stay for about two weeks. It is time for the baby goats to be born and the kids are excited about the kids. There are also excited about the baby chicks that just hatched. I tried to explain that if the chicks made it, they wouldn't be chicks when we got there, and then they would not be able to hold babies. I don't think they really care. They really enjoy it down there on the farm. Truth be told, I do also, and miss it sometimes. If I could only combine the farm, all my family and friends here, and having my husband with me.......A girl can dream, can't she? That is not the plan that God has for me. That's about all the update for now. Life in all is pretty boring these days. All the doctor news is on the positive side and maybe I will go over all the dates another post. God Bless!!