Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Once Again

High Ho, High Ho, it's off to.....where are we going again?  We have been home in Nebraska for a while, but haven't slowed down enough to do anything like blog or check my email.  We did go to visit my Paw-in-law for Thanksgiving and had a good time.  My Sis-in-law and her husband were also there.  It was a lot of fun.  I even got to see my husband.  Then we came home and my husband flew home for Christmas.  Only for a week and then he flew back out to go back to work.  Now we will be flying out to see him for a few weeks.  I really think this flying stuff is for the birds.  I do prefer it to driving only because it is faster.  I think I get so much more tired when I fly than driving.  There will also be the time change and jet lag to adjust to.  We will be flying out on Jan 8 and staying until Feb 1.  Then hopefully we will be back home for a while.  All things Christmas went well.  We celebrated 3 times, had turkey two days in a row, and still have up a Christmas tree.  Our stockings were still up from last year.  No joke, we weren't here to take them down, and when we came back in October, I decided to leave them and count it as one thing that I wouldn't have to do later.  At the rate the new year is starting we might have a Christmas tree still up next year.  I hope to get it taken down and put away before we leave.  There is always so much to do that you never really know if you are going to get that done or not. 
I crochetted my oldest younger brother (oldest of 3 all younger than me) an american flag for Christmas.  Now my youngest younger brother and my husband both want a "rebel" flag.  I found a pattern on line and am now learning a new technique to get it done.  We will see how it turns out.  I have become fairly efficient at knitting a scarf.  I have found it very relaxing.  It helps keep my mind off of stuff.  I enjoy learning new ways of making things, and new things to make.  I found a pattern that I am going to work on for next Christmas.  It makes a garland of snowflakes.  It looked really cool.  
I have been thinking about my daughter growing up and when she will be old enough for a hope chest.  I don't think that that time is now.  She will only be 6 in February.  But I do think that I might start cleaning out my own hope chest and putting some of my knitting and crochetting projects in it for her when she gets older or for Christmas gifts.  Then I can work on them through out the year.  I also like to sew, but have much less time than I need to be able to do it.  By the time I get out the machine, clean off a spot on the table, get the pattern and fabric.....It has just gotten too time consuming right now.  It is not something I can just pick up when I have a few extra minutes.   Hopefully I will have more time in the future to do my sewing.  I have lots of fabric and patterns that I would like to do, just no time to do it in.  Princess wanted dresses for her Barbies because they were not dressed appropriately.  So I bought a pattern for Barbie dresses, I made one dress, and haven't made any more.  She doesn't play with them much anyway.  She would rather play mommy to her water babies.  She gets a little upset if I do not hold them like a real baby.  
Much to do and less time the longer I am here.  Please be praying for safe travel and patience for me while we fly.  I get so worried about flying these days.  Hopefully I can find more time to blog of something interesting one day.  
Have a Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Yuck

It is that time of year, and the yuck has started at our house. I am sure it will make it's round, at least once. The Princess has it right now, and hopefully she will be over it soon. Her attitude gets really bad when she isn't feeling well. It is something that we have been working on even when she is feeling well, but the battle is worse when she is sick. The Prince has lost a tooth. It is the fifth tooth that he has lost. The first two (bottom) had to be pulled because the adult teeth were growing behind and didn't push the little ones out. The next two(top) came out earlier this year. One came out in an apple and the other came out by the door. Hubby talked him into putting fishing line around it and a door. After some convincing Prince let Daddy tie the fishing line. That tooth is just now starting to come in. I was a little worried. This last one was beginning to get really sore. He wanted it out but was not going to do the door thing again. He even asked for an apple, but couldn't bite it. My youngest brother came over with his girlfriend and she is a self proclaimed expert tooth puller. She pulled it right out. It didn't even hurt. Now he is back to himself. I have been fighting off a horrible headache that comes and goes (mostly comes) for no apparent reason. So this evening the Prince will be getting a ride to AWANA with his leader so that Princess can get to bed. She was worried about getting everyone sick. I have been working on Christmas presents. I have two scarfs done and am working on a blanket right now. It is taking a while but if I keep on it, I will have it done by the end of next week. It looks like it will fit a queen sized bed when I am done. I am crocheting the blanket and I crochet fairly loose. I knitted the two scarfs and they only took about a week each. I hope to learn how to do mittens and hats by next year. We will be spending Thanksgiving with my father-in-law. We will be leaving next week Thursday. We will stay for about two weeks. It is time for the baby goats to be born and the kids are excited about the kids. There are also excited about the baby chicks that just hatched. I tried to explain that if the chicks made it, they wouldn't be chicks when we got there, and then they would not be able to hold babies. I don't think they really care. They really enjoy it down there on the farm. Truth be told, I do also, and miss it sometimes. If I could only combine the farm, all my family and friends here, and having my husband with me.......A girl can dream, can't she? That is not the plan that God has for me. That's about all the update for now. Life in all is pretty boring these days. All the doctor news is on the positive side and maybe I will go over all the dates another post. God Bless!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

God V Aliens

A thought has taken control of my brain. Not total control, but it constantly raises it's head. God versus aliens? Not who would win. I know who would win. God of course! No contest! It's more of a question that I just don't understand. Here is the question...It seems so easy for people to believe in aliens, yet it is so hard for them to believe in God. Sometimes it is not that they don't believe in God, they are sure that they do, but they don't believe that the Word is truth. It amazes me sometimes that our flesh is so easily persuaded into believing in a being that they have not seen and can't proove the existence of, but will not believe in a Being that they have not seen and can't proove the existence of. The Bible is the proof that God exists, that He is special and Holier than any other. Without trusting the Bible to be true, many will not believe in the existance of God or even His son and what Christ did for us. But with nothing concrete to proove that aliens exist...we still believe that they exist. We believe the people who say they have seen aliens, or have been ubducted by them. We blindly believe what they say and take it for truth. Why? We hear stories from people about how God has done a miracle in their life, or the life of someone else. Do we believe it? Not always. Most people would just shrug it off and think that it is just crazy. Why is it so different? That is the question. I just don't get it. I was there one time too. I used to think that the stories were silly, and they couldn't possibly be true. I guess this is just another way that Satan gets into our head and feeds us lies about what God wants and who He is. I never really thought about it before too much. It just hit me the other day that this is the case. I would like to have some actual statistics on how many people believe either way. I am still looking for this information. If anyone would happen to know where I can get it, it would be appreciated. So many thoughts run through my head. If I had more time, I would type more. Hopefully, I will find more time to enlighten. Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Answer to the Ark question and feedback for my book

Hello brothers and sisters!

I pray that all is well with you. I think I have found an answer to the "How many animals did Noah take on the Ark?" question. I have asked a few people whos oppinion I value very much. Being that they are my older brothers and sisters (in Christ) I look to them for advice. I got answers both ways. Most have said that the reason for the uneven number is so that Noah could use the unclean animals for sacrifice after the Ark had landed. As to whether it was 7 pairs or 7 each....everyone is divided. I researched a little on the internet and found information both ways. I didn't find many answers to this question when I was looking online, so I guess that this doesn't slow any one down. I am not going to let it slow me down either and will quickly move on to another. I will just put this in my "Things to ask God when I get to Heaven" file. If He should come down from Heaven and tell me the answer, I will be sure to pass it on. If not, I will still welcome any of your imputs as I move on to my next motivation.

In my first blog I wrote that I was going to write a book. I haven't forgotten. I have even tried to put it off because I have no idea how to do this. I can write forever and sometimes it runs together and sometimes it is just rambling all over. I have been working on a couple of blogs that may be turned into chapters in the book. I feel that God has put me in a unique place to learn and share what I have learned with those who need it. I have had on my heart so many things that I want to study, learn, and share. From time to time I may post some questions that you could feel free to answer or not. Also, if there is any imput, or constructive criticism that you would like to give, it would be appreciated. I will be posting some of my blogs here. Please note that these are not complete. They are mostly just ramblings and will be refined at a later time. I pray that everything is accurate and not offensive to anyone. I also pray that someone can learn from my experience and my writings. If I am inaccurate in any way, and you notice it, please let me know. I am working on obedience and even though I don't know what God will do, I know what he has asked me to do. He may be just giving me a motivation to learn more for myself and the book may never come to be. He may turn what I have learned into a book for all to read. Two things I know. 1. One day I will see the Lord, whether He comes or I go, we will meet. 2. God has put this heavy on my heart, and kept it on my mind. I must be obedient to that even if I don't know where it is going or why He is asking me to do it. I must trust Him knowing that He has the plans and they are good. No matter what I see, His plan is good. He does nothing but good. Obedience is the first step. I have learned a lot in the last two years about trusting the Lord. I have grown so much since I first accepted Christ, and chose to live my life differently. It is a never ending battle. I am constantly shown things that I need to change in myself. God is gracious and God is kind. As I learn I pray that you also will learn. I pray that I write according to Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen". God will take me home one day, and I will do my best to be obedient until then. May God bless you greatly.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How many animals DID Noah take on the Ark?????

I am in West Virginia at this moment. We are living on a mountain. Not at the top, but once you are on it, you are on it. I got up this morning with Hubby and after he left for work I sat down at my computer as I usually do because it is quiet and it's a little me time. I must confess the first thing I do is not my Bible studying, so I am going to be working on that. God knows I have issues with that so that must be why He brought the rain today. I get on the computer and check my email and send some and then I check updates on Carepages. As I am checking Carepages a family member is having a hard time with faith amongst other very yucky stuff going on in life. I am reminded/convicted because I have been wanting to do a study on faith and have not done it yet. I say that I am going to and then I don't. Had I worked on it, I might have had some encouraging words. As it was, I did not obey, and God let me know. Now I must get started on what He wants me to do. I am finishing up on my not so important stuff that shouldn't come first and I look out my little window by the chair. It is indescribable! The color was like none I had seen before. It was almost like orange and green at the same time. I am from Nebraska and if you have ever seen the sky change color there before a tornado comes, this was the same kind of feeling. Not the same color but odd just the same. I can see the rain coming down from the clouds so heavy in spots that it looks like those little rain clouds on cartoons that follow people around. I knew it was raining everywhere, but in two spots it was just more intense. Like God just cut the bottom out of those two clouds and let it pour. Two people must have been having really bad days. I started thinking about how if I were in the time of The Flood, is this what it would look like? Would people be climbing the mountain to get to the top? Would I be able to see the water coming up the mountain as it rose higher and higher? So many questions started going through my head. Then I remember reading somewhere (I can't remember where) that there were no mountains before the flood and that during The Flood is when the mountains came to be. I looked up the word mountain on an online Bible. The first appearance of the word in the NIV version is in Genesis 7. So of course I look up and read Genesis 7. Two things I learned today are that there were mountains of some kind before the flood because Genesis 7:20 says that the mountains were covered as the flood waters rose. The other thing I learned was that I don't know near as much as I thought I did about the animals on the Ark. I always thought they came in by twosy, twosy. That's what I was always told in Sunday School. I guess that is easier for young kids to understand. Or easier for us to explain. I know from experience that simple is the way to go with kids. Sometimes when you answer one question with just a little too much info, it gives kids just enough info to think of something else. Clean and unclean could turn into a very long discussion. My 8 year old Prince asked me if Noah took fish on the Ark and where he kept them. I had never before thought about that. I didn't know for sure so I said we would have to look it up just like anything else we don't understand. Short answer: no fish, just land animals and bird type animals. So now I am looking over the same basic verses I had to read to find out about the fish, and that taught be that there were more than two of some kinds, and learn yet even more. Actually, it just brought up more questions. Genesis 7:2-3 (KJV)Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 7:2-3 (NIV)Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

I listed both the KJV and the NIV because those are the two that I used and was stumped. Here is the problem. I, much like my son, love math and are very fact orientated. Here is the question: How many of each animal did Noah take on the Ark? It's the odd numbers that mess me up. I like things even. God is a little more creative. The clean animals and birds: 7 of every kind (a male and its mate). Are we talking about 7 couples or seven animals so there is a male or female with out a mate of that kind? Let's say it was a dog (which I am pretty sure is unclean, but since I can't think of or find an example of a clean I'll just use this to clarify). The dog would be the kind of animal, if we take seven of it then we have 3 males, 3 females, and 1 that would be one or the other. Then we would have an odd number of that kind of animal. Or are we taking 7 male "dogs" and 7 female "dogs"? Then we would have 14 of each kind of animal. I am not saying the Bible is wrong by any stretch of the imagination. I believe it to be true in it's entirety. I am just mathematically confused here. This is a lot different than "The Lord...told Noah...there's gonna be a floody, floody". I am sure that God knew then and knows now what He is doing and had a reason for it. Either way could work when God sets the plan. I just wanna know which way it was. As of this moment I still don't know. If I figure it out, I will be sure to post what I learn. Until then, if anyone can enlighten me, I would appreciate the information and direction.

God Bless

Monday, July 21, 2008

Grilz, Chills, and stuff

Hello all again. I have found a little time to spend on my blog. I thought I would do just that out of bordom more than anything really. I am trying to do less and still do more and it seems like I am only doing more and none of the less. I am finally caught up on all my email checking and sending, and have got the trailer in order. So much has been going on lately that it has been hard to find time to blog. I guess that is how my diary always starts too...."So much has been going on that I haven't had time to write....." and then I sit down and try to think of what has been going on and write for like 5 pages. Since I have an awful memory and can't seem to remember to do it, or remember what happened 3 months ago, I am not a very good journaler. I do make an effort, sometimes. Here are a few random thoughts that have popped into my head recently in no specific order.

Grilz-- If you don't know (and I didn't until about 3 months ago) grilz are fake teeth. They can be gold or have diamonds or some other oddity on them. They are made to fit over your real God given teeth. People who where these grilz don't always have bad teeth. In fact what made me ponder the thought was a young man that my husband works with. He has beautiful white teeth and a wonderful smile. I didn't notice at first because I was distracted by the grilz he was wearing. You apparently can't eat with the grilz in so he took his out and that is when I noticed he had real teeth. Here is what I just don't get....Why would you were them? If you have teeth of your own, no matter how good or not so good they are, you still have teeth. People know they are not real because at some point you are going to take them out to eat, or you are going to change them. I guess people usually do things similar to this because they want to be like someone famous, or someone they look up to, or they want to be in a "class" they don't normally fit into (buying "fake" Armani suits). I don't know about everyone else but most of the people I know of that have the "real" gold teeth, or diamonds on their teeth, or what ever the grilz are supposed to look like, are not the most upstanding citizens. I would go so far as to say that more than a few gold teeth wearers have lost a tooth in a fight or spent time in a jail of some sort. I just don't understand what kind of person they are trying to be with the grilz. Here is the short of it.....I just don't get grilz! At all! I don't understand what is so cool about them. I don't understand why people want to wear them. I just don't get it on so many levels. I think I put in my "list of things that you will never see me doing"- wearing grilz.
We have made a move since I last posted. We were in hot and humid Louisiana. We are currently in foggy Pennsylvania. We changed time zones and that takes some adjusting. What is really strange is that my husband goes in to work later here so we don't have to get up so early, but we are really getting up at the same time that we would before with the time change. Somehow I still feel like I am getting more sleep. We are right on the PA/WV border on the PA side. Hubby is working in WV. We are on the side of a mountain. It is very foggy and cool in the mornings. In Louisiana it was hot and humid, all day, every day. The mountains are beautiful if you can keep from feeling nautious while riding in the car. The girls are still trying to adjust. It is so foggy in the morning that you can hardly see off your mountain. Little by little the fog clears and the next mountains appear. It's almost like God wants it to be a surprise everyday. Everyday I wonder how I can be more amazed at the creation He made, and everyday I amazed at something different.
Everyday is a new challenge, as life always is. This morning I decided to come outside and enjoy some of the weather before it starts getting too cold. Princess woke up early with a bad dream and had an "accident". We cleaned up and cuddled and now we are sitting outside enjoying the view. Prince woke up and now we are all going to spend a little time outside. We may even go for a little walk. Hopefully I will get the camera from my husband and have some pictures tomorrow. Time to spend some beautiful time with my wonderful children. Have a blessed day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mussels and Angel Wings

It was raining this morning and I decided to go for a walk, in the rain. I walked for a while then I felt led to the lake we are staying by. While at the edge of the water I felt a strong urge to get in the water. It looked cold and there were mussels all over the bottom. I didn't want to get in but I still felt the urge. Almost like a push. I eventually took off my shoes and socks, rolled up my walking pants. Slowly, I inched my way into the water. The mussels were crunchy and not very comfortable on my feet. It was not a walk on satin. I continued on and then all of a sudden, I got it. I didn't get in knee high, but I had it figured out before then. God was telling me something. There was something that He wanted me to know, and I had to get in the water to figure it out. I didn't want to get in. But I did because God wanted me to. Then when I got in it was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. It wasn't cold. The water was warm and inviting. But the crunching was not good. What I learned was that even if it is uncomfortable, if God says to do it, you do it. You don't quit. When I got a little farther in the water, there were fewer mussels. Not so much crunching, and more sand. It was beginning to feel better. There was sand at the end of the mussels. These are the same mussels that the kids and I have been saying look like angel wings. Looks like when you need it most, God sends you angel wings to make it to the end. I brought back a mussel shell to keep just so I could remember what He taught me.

Monday, June 9, 2008

God given revelation!!

Not a revelation like the book of revelation. Not a revelation like I know when the end of the world is coming. Not a revelation like I now know the winning lottery numbers for next week. But a revelation on a verse. The "revelation" came when I was studying something totally different. To give a little background so it all makes sense...

In 2005 I had a hysterectomy. I was 27 years old at the time. The hysterectomy happened not because I wanted it but because there was cancer and it had to be removed. Check my other blogs for more on this story if you are interested. I was not in a very good state of mind at the time. I was very depressed and in a dark place in my life. Everything about my body had changed in the blink of an eye. Seriously, I closed my eyes in the surgery room and when I opened them it was over. Everyone else said there was a lot of waiting, but I think there might have been some kind of time warp or something. Anyway...It was shortly after all this happened that I asked to see the doctor. I have fought depression before and I knew what was going on. I knew that I couldn't stop it on my own. I went to the doctor and asked for advice. He put me in contact with a wonderful councelor who took the time to care, listen, and guide me to the Lord. Thank you T! Years even before this happened, I think for my graduation gift in 1996, I received a Bible from my cousin Shawna. I never opened it. Never really looked at it. It just sat on a shelf and waited patiently. Funny how books do that. I finally got to a point where I thought I needed it. I think that T had asked me to go to church. I don't know that I really remember now the reasons or things that happened to make it happen, but one day I turned to this dusty Bible. I had it put away for almost 10 years. I am a pack rat and sometimes I can't find things right away. Usually if I put enough thought into it I can find what I am looking for. I have never had to look for something that has been stored for this long. I don't remember looking for it. It was almost like it just ended up in my hands. Not yet knowing anything about God and the Bible and how you are supposed to find your answers I looked to my Bible. I had heard stories and stuff as a kid, but had never before thought that I could find and answer there. I sat at my table, with this Bible, broken and exhausted from an emotional roller coaster, looking for answers. I didn't know what to do, what to say, how to pray for it, how to interpret.....I knew nothing about what I was doing. I held my Bible closed and said "Dear God, if you can hear me, I need some answers and I don't know what to do. I don't know the answer. I've done all that I know to do. Help me to fix it and make it all right. When I let go of this Bible, I'm gonna read the page that you give to me and hope it makes sense." That is what I said. This is what He did.......5 times the Bible opened to either the back cover or the front cover. It was open, but not to a passage. There were no words for me to read. I was frustrated before I started this whole process, now I am really getting angry. I probably did this like 10 times and more than once my Bible opened to Proverbs 31. If you have read your Bible, most women have atleast heard Proverbs 31 atleast once. I read the whole thing and didn't really get it until yesterday morning. We are traveling with my husband and aren't attending a church regularly, so I do my own studies in the morning. Yesterday I was studying a book called "Lies Women Believe, and the Truth That Sets Them Free". The pages I was studying on and the verses I was looking up had nothing to do with Proverbs 31. It was stuck in my head, so when I was done with my study I decided to look it up and see what it was that I was missing. I have read or heard Proverbs 31 less than 10 times in the last 3 or so years since God first showed it to me. Proverbs 31:10 says "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Here is the revelation: God is husband to the husbandless and father to the fatherless and soooooooo much more. If you are a woman of noble character than you are worth far more than rubies. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. God is the top dog and what he says goes! You are more valuable than rubies. If you are a woman, believing in God and washed in the blood of His son, forgiven of sins and awaiting your mansion in Heaven.....You are worth so much more than rubies! No matter who tells you that you can't, or you are not, or you won't ever.......You are worth more than rubies! Even if you are not married, you are married to the Lord. You are a wife to the Lord. Even better than rubies.....you could be more valuable than a year supply of fuel in an SUV! I don't think that would even begin to scratch the surface of how valuable you are as a woman of God! Remember that next time someone puts you down for something. Remember that next time you do something and it doesn't turn out the way you plan it. Remember that when you drop a frozen solid ice pack on your foot at 5:oo in the morning. Remember when you have a bad day. Remember when nothing seems to be going right. You are a woman of God and worth far more than rubies (or a year supply of fuel in an SUV)!!!!!!

God Bless

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shouldn't we be surprised!!!!!

Shouldn't we be surprised? That was the first thought that went through my head when I read the headline in a Nebraska paper. Teen STD rate called unsurprising I searched online to find the article again and found two more surprising article titles: Study finds 1 in 4 US teens has a STD and US Syphilis up for Seventh Straight Year Now, I am by far an expert in the health department, but just looking at the titles of these articles and I can see that something is wrong. No wonder we are not surprised by our children having an STD as young as 14. Yes, 14. We are talking about girls and boys that can't even drive! It kind of makes me wonder what is going on. First, because it is an STD, I am going to assume that there is some kind of sexual act going on. I think that is fair. The youngest age that they reported on was 14 (the oldest being 19). So let's assume that a 14 year old girl/boy is engaging in a sexual act. The thought of this in itself is not pleasing. One of two things is happening: either the parents have no clue or they know what is going on. Since I don't believe that these children (because that is what they are) would willingly perform these acts in front of their parents, they must be doing something away from their parents. How are these kids getting away from their parents to a place where other adults don't seem to mind and their parents would have no clue what was going on. The whole thought of any scenario sickens me.

Some people don't believe that the Abstinence talk is a bad thing, some disagree. Based on my own beliefs, I believe that abstinence is the best way. I also believe that when we have this talk with our young men and young women that we need to be sure they know what sex is. We do not need to go into much detail, but they do need to know that it is not just sexual intercourse. Contrary to the "I did not have sexual intercourse with that woman" line, oral sex is still sex and can still spread the disease. If we are not talking with our children about what is morally and biblically wrong.....well I think we see what happened.

Another alarming thing to think about is that they are now making it possible to start giving a shot for the HPV virus. Anything to get rid of STD's right? We are to give this three-dose vaccine to our girls at ages 11-12 with catch-shots for ages 13-26. I think that if we give our 11 year old girls a vaccine for something that they might get, what fear do they have of getting it? You are 11 years old, here is a shot that will prevent you from getting an STD, now go out to a party and have a good time. If we teach our children to abstain from sex of any kind then we can stop waisting time on vaccines for STD's and spend time on finding a cure for cancer. As if AIDS wasn't bad enough, now we have young kids having sexual contact and getting this horrible disease. No STD is better than another as far as I am concerned. They all spread and can all be prevented.

Picture this...A young man comes over to visit your daughter. They spend an evening having supper and talking with the parents. Now the parents know this young man and have a better idea of what their daughter might be doing with him. Remember when this was the norm. Before there were movies to go to. The goal of young "couples" seems to be to just get away from their parents. I use couples loosely because they really have no relationship other than this date. They probably aren't planning to get married or have even thought about it. Sex used to be something shared between two people who love each other and plan to be together forever. Now it is more of a way to pass the time while the parents are gone.

The point.... Talk to your kids, and whether you believe the Bible or not, know that the only one sure fire way to not get the STD is to take out the S. It is still a Disease, and can still be Transmitted, but without the Sexual contact the equation is broken. That is my one and a half cents. I have many more thoughts but get angered more as I think about it. You may or may not agree. That is okay. We live in America where we can make our own decisions.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What you don't hear in the news

I watched a movie the other day with Kevin Bacon. I don't even remember the name of the movie. I am sure it was good, just not good enough to remember. I always like to watch the extra stuff, so I did. There was an interview with Kevin Bacon. I had my laptop out and was surfing the web while I was watching. So I was looking for a website for Kevin. What I found was much more interesting. You would never see this on the news, although I think it is much more worthy of news than some other celebrity news. Maybe I have lived in a box, and maybe I have a very secluded life. I don't think either is true, but some would not agree with me. I learned two things about Kevin Bacon that I never knew. And I was SHOCKED!!!! The first is that he is married to Kyra Sedgwick. If you don't know who she is, she plays the main character in "The Closer". Kyra and Kevin! As if this wasn't shocking enough, because I didn't know either was married, let alone to each other. They have been married for more than a year. I think we can agree that Mr. Bacon has been in Hollywood for quite a while. His filmography begins in 1978. By hollywood accounts a man in the business this long should have atleast 3 exwives and a string of women. So many times is it just the dating couple that is in the news. I am getting tired of standing in the line at WalMart and all I see in the news is yuck!!! Someone is cheating, someone is getting a divorce, someone is getting pregnant, someone is having some serious issue and it only gets worse because we publisize it so much. Not only are we publisizing it, but we are buying it and talking about it and telling everyone we know who is doing what wrong. It is a negative thought process. It is a shame that people in Hollywood would think that if they do something bad enough they will get the publicity that they need to get the job they want. Aren't we just rewarding their bad behavior? Let's reward the good behavior. My personal belief is that once you say "I do", that's it, you will. Marriage is for life. It's not just playing a game. If you don't want to be married forever don't do it. You need to be sure that is what you want. Do you want to wake up and look at that person everyday for the rest of your life. If you had to be stranded on a desert island for 50 years and could have only one person with you, would you choose that person? Once you are in, you are in for the long haul. I do not know what religious belief Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick practice, I am curious and would like to know, but have not found that info yet. Kevin and Kyra have been married for almost 20 years! Twenty years in Hollywood, married to the same person, that is truly amazing! Why is this not on the front page of the tabloids? It is good news, that is why. There are a number of couples in Hollywood that have been married for more than 10 years! I am shocked! I never knew! Wikipedia has a good list of long term Hollywood marriages. There are many more that are note worthy and may be discussed later. Kevin and Kyra have 2 children. They also have made the decision that they would not work on seperate movies at the same time. This allows them to spend time together, as a family. I am just in amazement of this information and think that couples who have been together for a long time in Hollywood should teach others how. They should also get the spotlight more. Congradulations to Kevin and Kyra for nearly 20 years of marriage in Hollywood! May there be many more!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My first post!!!!!

Let me just start my saying that I LOVE Google!!!! I used to use MSN as my home page and sooooo many other pages pop-up and want to be my home page. I refuse, of course, because I am a one home page kinda girl. My husband bought me a new laptop and it had some Google things set up on it already, so I tried it out. I will never go back. I have a cool homepage now that has all that I want, even customizeable! I don't HAVE to look at the news if I don't want to. I think it is rather depressing anyway. I never was a big fan. There are so many things that they could report that they don't. That is a whole nother blog for a whole nother day. Now I have my seperate tabs on my homepage. If I need a recipe then I go to my cooking tab, if I want to study my Bible, I go to my bible tab and look at my verses of the day. I also have cool don't-know-how-I-ever-made-it-without-them gadgets on my desktop. With just a click of the mouse I can see everything that I need. I just love it!!!!

I have blogged before on myspace and will at some point put some of those blogs in here just for background info on me. I truly get tired of telling the same long story over again, or typing it over again. It gets longer everytime and so much can be forgotten. So, for simplicity sake, I will copy and paste. If you are reading my blogs and have been to my myspace page then some may look familiar. I don't like change so you might just have to deal with it. If it was up to me we would still be in the Garden of Eden...I dislike change that much! I like routine, without it I am lost. I forget to tie my shoes if it is not in a routine. No joke! I would forget were I put my keys if I didn't put them in the same place EVERY time. I think that I am a little OCD. Some people disagree. My husband is one. He thinks that I am a lot OCD. No professional has told me that, so I guess it is just a silly quirk. I love the show Monk, I am not THAT OCD, but we do have a lot in common.

As much as I don't like change, I do like to learn new things. I think I am just indesicive that way. I don't fully understand that myself. It is always better to learn something than to stay in the past but sometimes it is just easier to stay where you are. Knowing that things move fast in this century, I have been forced at times to learn new things to stay up to date. For example, computers in general. I would have been perfectly happy to never have one or learn on one. In high school, we had to take a class on computers, and typing class was tought on computers. We used typewriters in Junior High, then the computer age came. I am thankful that I have one now (sometimes) but would like to go back to simpler times most days.

I love to read. Plain and simple I know, but it doesn't matter what it is I just love to read. I used to read Stephen King, but don't care much for it anymore. I have finished the Left Behind series, which I thought was excellent. I am now reading the Love Comes Softly series and love them also. I am also reading, at last count, 4 Bible study books. I try to limit myself to no more than 6 books at one time. I am determined to cut back even more so that I can begin writing. I always did love to learn and study, and enjoyed school. I now have two kids that I homeschool and a husband to care for so I am a little short on time right now to continue my own education at a typical school. I am always learning, and have been told that I am a good teacher and that I explain things well. My desire is to use these abilities together with my love for reading to compose a book. That is the first time that I have put that thought in words. Wow! I have no idea where to start, where to begin, or what to do in the middle. It seems that the thought has not left my mind for quite some time. It will creep up when I least expect it. I think it is a God given thought, but since I don't know for sure, all I can do is go on faith and figure it out as I go. Now that the thought is out of the brain I guess I probably should do something about it. Any ideas? I think that I will think back on my Senior year and my College Prep English teacher. He always explained things so well. Mr. Theis was his name. My essay for that year was one of the best I ever did because of the way that he taught us to do it. I think I will start there. And, God willing, something will come out of it. Something good always comes from God. It may not be what we want, but it is always what we need, even if we don't know it.

Just found a cool new feature on my laptop today called OneNote. I have no idea how to use it, but I played with it for a bit and I think it might be just what I am looking for. It will be very helpful when I am studying and preparing my new book. lol

As soon as I figure out how to use this thing, I am going to put some pictures on here. We are staying in Louisiana right now and the house that we are renting is right over the bayou. There are Cypress trees and turtles right out our back window. The kids think that this is cool. We through bread out to the turtles sometimes and watch them eat it. For the record, turtles don't like celery. Who knew? We also have some little lizards in our laundry room. The kids love to watch them climb and change color. It is an experience that they could not have anywhere else. It may be February, but there has been no snow here and I am okay with that. I don't like snow or cold weather. Being born and raised in Nebraska, this is a problem.

I am a new aunt. My little brother is a daddy. I almost can't believe it. Mahaylee Rae (I am not sure if that spelling is correct) is such a cutey. She is very tiny, but is gonna be a real handful when she gets older.

I am a very random thinker. I use no turn signals and neither does my son. He probably got it from me. He could be talking about the sky and and then before you know it he is talking about something totally different. You might even think that he is still talking about the sky until halfway through the new conversation. Just go with the flow or he will start all over and explain it very well. You should have heard him when he was explaining the 10 Commandments to my brother Austin, and cousin Shawna. It was so funny, but he did such a good job, I don't think they will ever forget. He is my little preacher, polititian, and lawyer rolled in one. Bell is my little Betty Crocker. She loves to be in the kitchen. She also loves to be photographed. She will pose and ask that you record her so that she can watch it. They are both adorable. I just love them to pieces!

I have randomly blogged for long enough. I have blogged before and now you can post comments even if you are not a "member" or have and "account". In closing I wanna say hello to my aunt's Kathy, Sis, and Sharon. Love you all. Hope you enjoy the blogs and updates. A special I love you to my mommy. Without her, I would be nothing. LYMTAFITCWC