Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How many animals DID Noah take on the Ark?????

I am in West Virginia at this moment. We are living on a mountain. Not at the top, but once you are on it, you are on it. I got up this morning with Hubby and after he left for work I sat down at my computer as I usually do because it is quiet and it's a little me time. I must confess the first thing I do is not my Bible studying, so I am going to be working on that. God knows I have issues with that so that must be why He brought the rain today. I get on the computer and check my email and send some and then I check updates on Carepages. As I am checking Carepages a family member is having a hard time with faith amongst other very yucky stuff going on in life. I am reminded/convicted because I have been wanting to do a study on faith and have not done it yet. I say that I am going to and then I don't. Had I worked on it, I might have had some encouraging words. As it was, I did not obey, and God let me know. Now I must get started on what He wants me to do. I am finishing up on my not so important stuff that shouldn't come first and I look out my little window by the chair. It is indescribable! The color was like none I had seen before. It was almost like orange and green at the same time. I am from Nebraska and if you have ever seen the sky change color there before a tornado comes, this was the same kind of feeling. Not the same color but odd just the same. I can see the rain coming down from the clouds so heavy in spots that it looks like those little rain clouds on cartoons that follow people around. I knew it was raining everywhere, but in two spots it was just more intense. Like God just cut the bottom out of those two clouds and let it pour. Two people must have been having really bad days. I started thinking about how if I were in the time of The Flood, is this what it would look like? Would people be climbing the mountain to get to the top? Would I be able to see the water coming up the mountain as it rose higher and higher? So many questions started going through my head. Then I remember reading somewhere (I can't remember where) that there were no mountains before the flood and that during The Flood is when the mountains came to be. I looked up the word mountain on an online Bible. The first appearance of the word in the NIV version is in Genesis 7. So of course I look up and read Genesis 7. Two things I learned today are that there were mountains of some kind before the flood because Genesis 7:20 says that the mountains were covered as the flood waters rose. The other thing I learned was that I don't know near as much as I thought I did about the animals on the Ark. I always thought they came in by twosy, twosy. That's what I was always told in Sunday School. I guess that is easier for young kids to understand. Or easier for us to explain. I know from experience that simple is the way to go with kids. Sometimes when you answer one question with just a little too much info, it gives kids just enough info to think of something else. Clean and unclean could turn into a very long discussion. My 8 year old Prince asked me if Noah took fish on the Ark and where he kept them. I had never before thought about that. I didn't know for sure so I said we would have to look it up just like anything else we don't understand. Short answer: no fish, just land animals and bird type animals. So now I am looking over the same basic verses I had to read to find out about the fish, and that taught be that there were more than two of some kinds, and learn yet even more. Actually, it just brought up more questions. Genesis 7:2-3 (KJV)Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.

Genesis 7:2-3 (NIV)Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

I listed both the KJV and the NIV because those are the two that I used and was stumped. Here is the problem. I, much like my son, love math and are very fact orientated. Here is the question: How many of each animal did Noah take on the Ark? It's the odd numbers that mess me up. I like things even. God is a little more creative. The clean animals and birds: 7 of every kind (a male and its mate). Are we talking about 7 couples or seven animals so there is a male or female with out a mate of that kind? Let's say it was a dog (which I am pretty sure is unclean, but since I can't think of or find an example of a clean I'll just use this to clarify). The dog would be the kind of animal, if we take seven of it then we have 3 males, 3 females, and 1 that would be one or the other. Then we would have an odd number of that kind of animal. Or are we taking 7 male "dogs" and 7 female "dogs"? Then we would have 14 of each kind of animal. I am not saying the Bible is wrong by any stretch of the imagination. I believe it to be true in it's entirety. I am just mathematically confused here. This is a lot different than "The Lord...told Noah...there's gonna be a floody, floody". I am sure that God knew then and knows now what He is doing and had a reason for it. Either way could work when God sets the plan. I just wanna know which way it was. As of this moment I still don't know. If I figure it out, I will be sure to post what I learn. Until then, if anyone can enlighten me, I would appreciate the information and direction.

God Bless

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