Hello all again. I have found a little time to spend on my blog. I thought I would do just that out of bordom more than anything really. I am trying to do less and still do more and it seems like I am only doing more and none of the less. I am finally caught up on all my email checking and sending, and have got the trailer in order. So much has been going on lately that it has been hard to find time to blog. I guess that is how my diary always starts too...."So much has been going on that I haven't had time to write....." and then I sit down and try to think of what has been going on and write for like 5 pages. Since I have an awful memory and can't seem to remember to do it, or remember what happened 3 months ago, I am not a very good journaler. I do make an effort, sometimes. Here are a few random thoughts that have popped into my head recently in no specific order.
Grilz-- If you don't know (and I didn't until about 3 months ago) grilz are fake teeth. They can be gold or have diamonds or some other oddity on them. They are made to fit over your real God given teeth. People who where these grilz don't always have bad teeth. In fact what made me ponder the thought was a young man that my husband works with. He has beautiful white teeth and a wonderful smile. I didn't notice at first because I was distracted by the grilz he was wearing. You apparently can't eat with the grilz in so he took his out and that is when I noticed he had real teeth. Here is what I just don't get....Why would you were them? If you have teeth of your own, no matter how good or not so good they are, you still have teeth. People know they are not real because at some point you are going to take them out to eat, or you are going to change them. I guess people usually do things similar to this because they want to be like someone famous, or someone they look up to, or they want to be in a "class" they don't normally fit into (buying "fake" Armani suits). I don't know about everyone else but most of the people I know of that have the "real" gold teeth, or diamonds on their teeth, or what ever the grilz are supposed to look like, are not the most upstanding citizens. I would go so far as to say that more than a few gold teeth wearers have lost a tooth in a fight or spent time in a jail of some sort. I just don't understand what kind of person they are trying to be with the grilz. Here is the short of it.....I just don't get grilz! At all! I don't understand what is so cool about them. I don't understand why people want to wear them. I just don't get it on so many levels. I think I put in my "list of things that you will never see me doing"- wearing grilz.
We have made a move since I last posted. We were in hot and humid Louisiana. We are currently in foggy Pennsylvania. We changed time zones and that takes some adjusting. What is really strange is that my husband goes in to work later here so we don't have to get up so early, but we are really getting up at the same time that we would before with the time change. Somehow I still feel like I am getting more sleep. We are right on the PA/WV border on the PA side. Hubby is working in WV. We are on the side of a mountain. It is very foggy and cool in the mornings. In Louisiana it was hot and humid, all day, every day. The mountains are beautiful if you can keep from feeling nautious while riding in the car. The girls are still trying to adjust. It is so foggy in the morning that you can hardly see off your mountain. Little by little the fog clears and the next mountains appear. It's almost like God wants it to be a surprise everyday. Everyday I wonder how I can be more amazed at the creation He made, and everyday I amazed at something different.
Everyday is a new challenge, as life always is. This morning I decided to come outside and enjoy some of the weather before it starts getting too cold. Princess woke up early with a bad dream and had an "accident". We cleaned up and cuddled and now we are sitting outside enjoying the view. Prince woke up and now we are all going to spend a little time outside. We may even go for a little walk. Hopefully I will get the camera from my husband and have some pictures tomorrow. Time to spend some beautiful time with my wonderful children. Have a blessed day.
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