Saturday, October 20, 2012

Late Night Rambling

Here I am at 10:30 p.m. wondering how some of these bloggers can have so much to talk about.  I am still working on my Home Management Binder.  I like to think it is because I am a perfectionist at some things, really it is not.  I do like things a certain way so that they will function the best, because if it is not then I will not use it.  I have been knowing myself for over 30 years.  I am very disorganized.  I do not like lots of stuff. I can pack things just about anywhere to "hide" it away.  Then I forget about it until I am looking for a place to "hide" something else.  I like for things to have a place to go.  Then I know where it goes when I find it out.  I also know where to go to find it.  This year I have been trying to get rid of things that I do not need.  I figure, if I haven't even looked at it or thought about where it could possibly be in two years, then I won't miss it when it is gone.  I currently have two black garbage bags, not full of garbage, sitting in my dining room simply because they need to leave and haven't made it out of the house yet.  I will save the adventure of my Home Management Binder for another post and get back on point.  Some people post every day.  Some people only post once a week.  But as I was looking for printables for my binder, I found someone who hadn't posted in months.  Up until this point I thought I would never be able to keep up with the average blogger.  So why even try?  There are so many things on my plate each day that I really thought I would never have time.  There are a lot of printables out there for bloggers.  "What am I going to blog about?"  "What projects am I doing that I can blog about?"  I was feeling overwhelmed just looking at them.  I really thought that I would have to find time to sit at the computer every day and type about something.  If that is what you were looking for, you came to the wrong place.  I feel like I barely have time to brush my hair some days.  My life isn't as crazy as some, but something always jumps in for a surprise visit.  Sometimes I just want to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate and not do anything but let my body catch up to my mind. Tonight, with one sick little girl in my bed, I am up late trying to work on my HMB like it is a school assignment that is due tomorrow.  Then I what if it doesn't get done?  So what if a blog doesn't get written?  So what if the bank account is not reconciled?  So what if I don't get any sewing done tonight?  So what if I never blog again?  So what? I still believe that all those things will be waiting for me tomorrow if I would go cuddle my daughter while she isn't feeling well.  The world won't come to an end.  People won't loose sleep over not getting to read my blog on time.  I haven't finished the last quilt yet, so it's ok if I don't start another tonight.  Tomorrow I will continue on my path.  The path to a cleaner, more organized, God honoring house.  Why?  Because that is the path that He chose, I merely follow His lead.   

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